Behavior Engineering Based Software Change Case Studies


. Behavior Engineering
. Software Change
. Software Tools
. Microwave Oven Case Study
. Satellite Control System

Mircowave Oven Case Study

Version 1
. Requirements and RBT
. The DBT
. Other Design Diagrams
Version 2 and 3
. Version 2
. Version 3
Evolutionary Diagrams
. EVDBT for version 1,2 and 3
. Other Evolutionary Diagrams

Satellite Control System

Requirements and RBTs
. Requirement 2.1
. Requirement 2.2
. Requirement 2.2.1
. Requirement 2.2.2
. Requirement 2.2.3
. Requirement 2.3
. Requirement 2.3.1
. Requirement 2.3.2
. Requirement 2.3.3
. Requirement 2.3.4
. Requirement 2.3.5
. Design Behavior Tree
Other Versions
. Version 2 Requirement 2.2.3
. DBT for Version 2
. Version 3 Requirement 2.1
. DBT for Version 3
. Version 4 Requirement 2.2.2
. DBT for Version 4
. Version 5 Requirement 2.3.4
. DBT for Version 5
. The Evolutionary DBT

2.2.2 Maintain Orbit and Direction (Version 4)

Firing commands are prepared to perform orbital corrections such as to re-orient and stabilize a satellite, or to point it to support data transmission.

MG4) The SCS shall process each FR (firing request) command message received from the GCS. Those commands are used to re-orient or stabilize an SCS satellite.

MG4.1) The SCS may receive and process an FR command message after an HR (satellite health request) has been received and processed. (Describes order during transaction.)

MG4.2) An FR command message will only be accepted by the SCS during an active "Manage Satellites" transaction. (Describes condition under which an FR may be received.)

MG5) The SCS shall prepare and send an FA (firing request) acknowledgment message to the GCS indicating the SCS's thruster status after executing an FR (firing request) command message.

Each FA acknowledgment message shall contain a status code.

A status code of 1 shall indicate that the firing command was successful. The acknowledgment message shall also contain fuel pressure data.

If the firing command was unseccessful, it will try firing command again until the total fail time reachs 3.

A status code of 2 shall indicate that the firing command was unsuccessful. The acknowledgment message shall also contain fuel pressure data. Receipt of a firing command acknowledgment message with a status code of 2 will require a system restart.

The corresponding Requirement Behavior Tree is as below: