Mircowave Oven Case Study
Version 1
Version 2 and 3
Evolutionary Diagrams
Satellite Control System
Requirements and RBTs
Other Versions
2.3.4 Completing a "Transmit
Data" Transaction
After an uplink/downlink
site-SCS connection has been established, after all planned data
packets have been uploaded to the SCS and forwarded, and after all bad
packets sent have been replaced, the uplink site may end the "Transmit
Data" transaction by sending the SCS a TC (transmission completed)
acknowledgment message.
TC1) After the uplink site has completed its data transmission, the SCS
shall receive a TC (transmission completed) acknowledgment message from
the uplink site.
TC2) Upon receipt of a TC command message, the SCS shall forward it to
the GCS.
TC3) A TC command message may be received only during a valid "Transmit
Data" transaction.
If each PB message uploaded to the SCS was not canceled by a
replacement data packet, the SCS shall ignore the TC command message
received from the uplink site because one or more bad packets must
still be replaced.
The corresponding Requirement Behavior Tree is as below: